Monday 27 June 2011


Hello all! And thank you for checking out my blog! Here is a quick introduction to me and my world.
I am 21 year old mother of a 2 year old boy (little bugger). I was born in Essex but grew up in wales and have now returned to my roots in Essex again. I have been known as “the crossbreed” or “the welsh one” to my 6 older sisters who had all grown up and left home before my parents moved to wales. We all have our own nicknames eldest to youngest, big sis, the nutter, the blonde or the tart, the ginger and netty. There is one boy amongst us my older bro who gets called whatever name he deserves at the timeJ. 5 out of 6 of us girls have kids the nutter ironically being the only sane one of us not to have any. We are all now (finally) in committed long term relationships however for three of us this is not with the biological fathers of our children.
Me and little buggers father broke up when he was 4 months old after my ex was violent one time to many due to alcohol. I am now in a relationship with a Geordie (big bugger). We have been together for six months now and things are going well. We are both country lovers and enjoy going for long walks and are interested in all kinds of animals and wildlife. As a mum hobbies are a bit limited however I do love to read and always make time for a good romantic or a gripping crime novel. I enjoy cooking however that does not mean I am any good at it but you have to try and I believe that one day far into the future practice will make perfect, or at least edible.
I am also unemployed and I live in a council flat feel free to stereo type on that if you wish. But I am not the typical council housed lay about. I have worked in my life time and I have tried to find work since being a mum my difficulty is being unable to drive. But I continue to try and I am also doing a home study course in my spare time. I love to write hence this blog and I write about everything and anything that interests me or is just on my mind that I either need to have a rant about or a moan lol.
So to cap it all I hope u enjoy reading and I hope you keep coming back I can take criticism well so don’t be afraid to speak your mind lol and thanks again xXx